Flat Stanley had breakfast with the kids, went to work with Jimmy and played in the snow. I didn't send him back to Texas with my letter so I hope that will be alright. Kai had fun playing with him. I thought that it was a clever project! I sometimes wish that I was Flat Stanley so that I could mail myself in an envelope to visit friends and family that are far away.
During the flu, I lost my taste for coffee! I didn't want it and still don't. I'm all about juice. That's all I could drink, water just didn't taste right. The kids are better, still congested, but better. They are super kids. This was the first time Kai got really sick. We've never seen him so sluggish and quiet! He is now back to bouncing off the walls and talking my ear off. Little Cassia is full of smiles and ever so playful and talkative, too.
How could I forget, I burned my hand pretty bad one day trying to get super hot soup out of the microwave! I reached for the bowl and dropped it because it was too hot, but not without spilling the contents onto my hand! My first reaction was to wash it off with cold water and keep it there (that's all I could do to make it feel better until Jimmy came home to help me). Then Jimmy tells me not to put it in water, but what was I suppose to do? We didn't have any burn spray until he came home with it and whenever my hand didn't have anything cool on it it was burning up! Anyway, burn spray, triple antibiotic and days later my hand is fine. It looks a bit strange and discolored, but fine.
Now, looking out the window one would think that it is 60 degrees or something outside, being March and all, but noooo it's still in the 30's! The snow is supposes to start again tonight and for the next few days!!! I've had enough of the white stuff and ready to get outside with the kids and go to the parks and farmer's markets.
Spring, spring...where are you?
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