It was crazy cold and wintry last night. I sat on the couch with a mug of hot cocoa watching the snow get blown around the street. I'm a southerner so snow was a treat, it's so pretty! Today is gorgeous sunny, but 7 degrees...yea I'm not going to subject my kids to that sort of cold just because I need to get out of the house. Hopefully the weekend will be a little warmer so we can get out.
Cassia is almost six months old!!! I gave her some rice cereal a couple of weeks ago and again last week, but think that I should try again at six months after talking to her pediatrician. She got a little red after each try so, I stopped trying to give it to her because I'm afraid that she possibly could be allergic to rice. How could that be??? I thought rice was safe, isn't it always the first food after milk? She can sit up with assistance, but not by herself yet.
I just read a blog about baby led weaning and the babies on that blog were eating normal non-pureed foods at six months, I kinda want to give it a try, but Bella doesn't have any teeth yet. Hmmm....I wonder if those babies had any teeth. Kai was sorta baby led I guess, but he got the pureed foods. I also made my own baby food for him, that could probably be one of the reasons why he's such an adventurous eater. People are always shocked that my two year old can handle some flavorful and spiced up foods. I think he prefers it over the bland foods most people think children should eat. Our kids eat what we eat. Seriously, I'm not running a restaurant in my kitchen and probably would have pulled out all of my hair if I were.
I did get the menu for February done, only with the help of writing it grade school style. Monday is called 'Mystery Monday', so that we can order take out on that day, have leftovers, or whatever suits my fancy. Tuesday is 'Taco Tuesday', name was invented by Jimmy because that is the night that our neighborhood taco joint is open late. Wednesday is chicken night, sorry no catchy name there. Thursday is our 'Tofu Thursday' or any other vegetarian delight. Friday is 'Fish Friday', it just worked 'f' in both words. Saturday is 'Pizza/pasta' night and Sunday is 'Burger Sunday'. This works great because it is posted on the fridge and gets rid of "what's for dinner?", for a whole month. I think I'll keep this format for the rest of the year, maybe varying it a little month to month, but we get a pretty balanced diet this way.
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