Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Menu week of 11-12

Hmm...I seem to have trouble getting my weekly menu posted these days. Yesterday was spent shopping for candy for the gingerbread houses that Jimmy is working on for the hotel. Today, I did a little shopping for Christmas items.
So here it is a plan for the next few meals.

Tuesday: Orange-Apricot glazed chicken with sweet potato and butternut squash (cooked in a crock pot)

Wednesday: Pantry Pasta (pasta tossed with whatever is in my pantry)

Thursday: Beef stew (another meal made in crock pot)

That's all I have for now. Have I mentioned that the crock pot is my new favorite appliance? I've never used one until we moved up here. There are actually seasons up here! It's nice, I like the cold. Anyway, the crock pot- great invention.

Helpful Tips for the Week

  1. Separate your silverware by type when loading the dishwasher. This saves some time when you have to put away the clean dishes. This is something I picked up from working in restaurants.
  2. If you have children and want to control what they drink, have portioned out approved beverages in the refrigerator. Every morning, I fill two sippy cups with milk, one with water, and one with fifty-fifty juice (diluted juice: half juice half water) for Kai. We do not have a lock on the fridge so Kai can help himself and decide what he wants to drink.
  3. Portion out cereal into bowls and cover it with saran wrap the night before. This is useful if you have school age children. For me, I portion out cereal into snack size bags when I get home with a new box. I use the serving size on the box as my portion guide. Whenever Kai wants cereal he just grabs a bag or when we are on the go I grab a bag and throw it in my diaper bag for him to snack on later. I also portion out his snacks this way.
I hope these are helpful, I will try to give my little tips every week.

Update on Cassia Bella.
My little girl just turned three months!! She's getting so big. I am so lucky that she is not colicky. She only cries when she needs something. She opens her mouth every time she sees us eat. I think she wants real food or maybe ready to have a taste of daddy's treats. I'm starting to use baby signs with her; hoping that when she is coordinated enough she will be able to sign her needs. I used baby signs with Kai and it really helped him communicate and he was less frustrated. She is doing so well.

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